Skagerrak Pharmacy exercises the utmost care in compiling and maintaining the information provided on this website. However, it cannot guarantee that this information is complete, current and/or correct. Apotheek Skagerrak therefore accepts no liability for any direct or indirect damage resulting from or in connection with the use of the information or documents available on this website or the temporary inability to consult this website. The Apotheek Skagerrak website contains links to sites from third parties that are not under the control of Apotheek Skagerrak. Apotheek Skagerrak is in no way responsible or liable for the content of these websites. Apotheek Skagerrak provides third party links only as a courtesy and is in no way associated or affiliated with these companies. Have you read an inaccuracy and/or incompleteness on our website? We then ask you to report this to us by sending an email to info@apotheekskagerrak.nl